
New wood going in, 2008!

New Year 2008 found Paul working on the counter to replace the archboard, deck beams and frames. More new wood to replace the rot certainly began to raise our spirits.

Paul finished work on the counter in March and Steve nearly completed the new beam shelf on the starboard side, steaming it into place and fitting it up to the new frames and knees. The tent had stood up well to the batterings of winter rain and high winds. On winter evenings, seeing a light on, boatbuilder and local OGA member, James would pop by on his way home from work at Larkmans to see how we were getting on. Woodbridge was certainly beginning to feel like a second home.

The new workshop in Derbyshire was attracting quite a bit of interest in the neighbourhood. Matlock Bath is probably just about as far from the sea that you can get in mainland England, and there’s bemusement as to why Steve’s also started to build an 11′ dinghy in clinker ply. Whilst seeking out suppliers for the planking, Steve found a woodyard in Grimsby with elm ideally suited for the rudder. On inspection, the rudder had proved to be beyond sensible repair, so sufficient elm was brought back to Matlock and a new rudder quickly took shape.